Free RGBA Color Picker Online -

Pick a color by sliding or putting numbers in the box (from 0 to 255)

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RGBA Color Picker

RGBA Color Picker is the tool that helps designers and developers pick the best color for their online business or website by changing, matching, and setting the values of three primary colors Green, Red, and Blue along with Alpha opacity. As we all know the right color on our site makes our site unique. So, this tool helps in finding the right and unique color for our online business and website. Also, the tool is free and easy to navigate making it a unique tool among all other RGBA color pickers. Anyone can access the tool without any problem. In Short, this rgba color picker is a treasure for web designers and developers to enhance their design abilities

How to Use

  1. First, select the values of Red, Blue, and Green by sliding or by just entering the value in the value box.
  2. Slide back and forth to see which color you like. Also, use the Opacity value to change the opacity of your color.
  3. After successfully deciding color click on the "Copy to Clipboard" button to copy the RGBA value of your color.
  4. If you are not sure about which color to choose then consider our free Unlimited Custom Random Color Generator. This generates color for you to help you decide the right color.


The tools give freedom to its users to precisely control all parameters like red, blue, and green color, and also opacity of color for transparency to ensure consistency and professionalism. The user-friendly interface of the tool helps any level of user to easily navigate the tool and pick the color he wants. The tool provides an instant preview of your selected color to make you sure of what you are going to choose. The tool is also time-saving due to its easy-to-navigate interface.